TES Insights

Only 20% of American Employees feel very passionate about their jobs. Are you one of them?

I know this topic resonates with a lot of you, whether you admit it or not.

Being passionate about your work gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning and makes you feel like what you’re doing is worthwhile. Conversely, a lack of career enthusiasm can make every workday feel like it drags on forever – and in the long term, you’ll end up feeling burnt out and unhappy.

If you’ve recently observed yourself becoming apathetic or even negative about work, it’s time to assess your feelings and try to rekindle the enthusiasm that drew you to the job in the first place.

If you exhausted all your options and still feel unenthusiastic, maybe it’s time to look at career transition and get unstuck from your passionless career. There are a lot of opportunities outside the corporate world and owning your own business might be the one for you.

This may sound overwhelming for someone who is still looking for career clarity. As a Career Ownership Coach, I can help you define your PURPOSE. I can help you create clarity around your vision, purpose, and values.

Do you think you’re ready for a career change? Let’s talk, I can help you!

Let’s start the discovery process with a free consultation. My goal is to help you discover what your future has in store, and I can’t wait to get started.

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